Children in a primary school have reportable data in the following year groups:
- the end of their Reception year- this judgement is called “Good Level of Development.” Children achieving a good level of development are those achieving at least the expected level within the following areas of learning: communication and language; physical development; personal, social and emotional development; literacy; and mathematics.
- in the Summer term in Year 1 as part of a ‘phonics check’. The check tests that individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.
- at the end of Year 2, children take SATs in Reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and Maths.
- in Year 4 the children sit a Multiplication Tables Check. The purpose of the Multiplication Tables Check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently.
- in the Summer term in Year 6 children sit their KS2 SATS. They are national tests that children in primary schools across the country sit at the same time.
Last academic year, performance data was as follows:
- At the end of Early Years (Reception Year), 79% achieved a Good Level of Development, significantly above the national average of 67.2%.
- At the end of Year 1, 81% achieved the expected standard in the phonics check, this was above the national average of 79%.
- At the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), attainment in all subjects was above or at national average: reading, 64%; SPaG, 64%; writing, 60%, maths, 72%
- At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6), attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths was as follows: reading, 64%; writing, 64%, SPaG, 61%; maths, 64%
Assessment information used within school
Within school, teachers use a range of assessment practices in order to inform their daily teaching. Termly this is through standardised assessments which help to inform teacher assessment.
The staff at Greenfields main form of assessment is timely feedback that will in turn help children to make improvements. At Greenfields, we understand how important it is to give children feedback, to accelerate progress for children who have previously underachieved, but also to offer additional individualised challenge and support.
…be bold ~ You are capable of changing a situation… become the explorer of tomorrow.
Children are taught to believe and understand that they should have bold ambitions for themselves; that hard work and determination will lead to good results and that there is always a goal to aim for; we are not of a fixed intelligence – this is reflected in the way we feedback the children’s work both to the children directly, but also to
The feedback given to children in their books is intrinsically linked to our school values:
… be brave ~ confront your fears and take a chance… mistakes are the best lessons
… be original ~ never stop asking questions… seek out the answers