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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be brave, be original and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher

GCPS goes to the Panto!

Panto pic
We couldn't have been prouder of our children at the Theatre Royal on Tuesday; they all had a fabulous time.

A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered on the day, we really appreciate all of your support and commitment to the school.

Another huge thank you to the GFPTA, for organising a bag of goodies for every child.


Christmas Dates for the Diary


Christmas Reminders:

Friday 3rd December: Christmas Fayre

Nursery and Reception: 10.30am-11.15am
Years 1 & 2: 9.30am-10.15am
Years 3 & 4: 1.15pm-2.00pm
Years 5 & 6: 2.15pm- 3.00pm

Tuesday 7th December: Reflection Events
* Muddy Bairns (pre-school) - 8.30am - 9.00am
* Nursery - 11.00am - 11.30am
* Reception - 10.30am - 11.00am
* Year 1 - 1.45pm-2.15pm
* Year 2 - 1.15pm-1.45pm
* Year 3 - 9.15am-9.45am
* Year 4 - 10.00am-10.30am
* Year 5 - 2.15pm-2.45pm
* Year 6 - 2.45pm-3.15pm
Please see the letter from your child's class teacher for further details.

Christmas Performances:
*Monday 13th December 2.15pm - 3.00pm KS2 Christmas Carols with Year 5/6 parents
*Tuesday 14th December 9.15am - 10.00am KS2 Christmas Carols with Year 3/4 parents
*Wednesday 15th December KS1 Nativity Sleep Shepherd'
9.15am - 9.45am: Year 1 parents
10.00am-10.30am: Year 2 parents
*Thursday 16th December Early Years
9.00am - 9.20am: Preschool - Christmas singalong
10.30am - 11.00am: Nursery - Piccolo Christmas
9.30am - 10.00am: Reception -'We're Going on a Baby

We are still hoping to be able to finish the school term with our traditional service at St Columbas Church this year. We are exploring lots of ways to ensure that it is safe for everyone. We will let you know details of this very special event later in the term.

General Reminders

Could we please remind you that dogs are not allowed on the school site.

There is a one way system in school, so could we please remind you that whilst driving around the site you must adhere to this.

For the next three Fridays between 10.00am and 12 midday, the school office will be closed for training. If you urgently need to contact the school please email parentsandcarers@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk

Thank you for your continued support with this.
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Be Brave

In our half term value,
...be brave... we encourage children to 'confront your fears and take a chance.' How have you been a superhero recently? Have you tried something new? Spoke your mind? Confronted your fears?


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~ confront your fears and take a chance ... mistakes are the nest lessons ~
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Be brave book 261121

Reading recommendation

Superheroes are brave. But they aren't the only ones. Kids are brave every day. When they are told they are too little, but accomplish something big. When they check for monsters under the bed, just in case. When they face something uncertain, whether a thunderstorm or a hospital visit. When they stand up for what's right, even when it means facing consequences.
Like superheroes, brave kids can save the world, just by being brave.
This book encourages kids to be brave in all the ways they can: trying new things, speaking their mind, confronting bullies, and more. This book will inspire kids to follow their hearts and to have courage, no matter the situation.

we want you

World of Work

Do you have, or do you know someone who has an interesting job that would like to share it with our children?

We are looking for local businesses, parents or members of our community that could help bring our next term school value focus;
...be original... to life. If you think you may be able to help, or you know someone who you could put us in touch with, please email; parentsandcarers@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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