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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be brave, be original and be bold.

Mrs Gemma Robertson - Acting Headteacher

Our School Council

Some of our school counsellors went to North Tyneside Learning Trust this week to take part in NTLP Climate Strategy. They presented their strategy for tackling climate change to a panel of judges and were amazing - we are very proud of them!

Year 4 trip

Year 4 went to the Hatton Gallery this week where they took part in an abstract art workshop and explored the art gallery, including a modern art expedition.

Muddy Monsters

Our Muddy Bairns, had a brilliant time with Muddy Monsters this half term. They spent the day in our Forest School on an adventure with a Muddy Monster character exploring, investigating and discovering.

What A Half Term ...

From trips to the rising sun, Newcastle Street Scientists, Forest School, art lessons, drumming, planting seeds and hunting for signs of Autumn; the children really have had the best start ti this academic year.

Star Achievers

Our Star Achievers went to the library on Thursday with Miss Evans to pick a book as part of their reward. The children loved going to the library and have all picked a book that has been ordered and will be at school for their return after half term. Well done to our Star Achievers; we are very proud of you all.
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We always teach our children that they can do whatever they set their minds to because they are amazingly talented. Never let anything get in your way!

#readyforthe world

Shakleton's book
Shackleton's Journey is a unique visual re-telling of Ernest Shackleton's landmark expedition crossing the Antarctic from one pole to the other. William Grill's impeccably researched and informative illustrations celebrate the 100th anniversary since the historic exploration by Shackleton and his crew on Endurance. Children will love exploring Grill's exploded diagrams and the fascinating details of this landmark voyage.

Ready for the World Awards

Our Ready for the World Awards celebrate when children, in Year 1 - Year 6, have demonstrated outstanding characteristics which will enable them to become successful learners of the future. Over the past two weeks those children who have been awarded a Ready for the World Award are:
Year 1: Junior, Hugo, Georgie & Bailey
Year 2: Harry & Mason
Year 3: Liam, Alfie, Klay, Amelia & Zac
Year 4BB: Elsie, Isla, Skyla & Bobby
Year 4KC: Brooke V & Hayden
Year 5: Amelia C, Dalton, Vinnie, Amelia T & Toms
Every week in assembly, the class that has the best attendance or most improved attendance gets the attendance cup and the chance to chose a treat for the whole class.
Over the past few weeks our winners have been:
4KC & 3JI
thank you
We wanted to say a huge thank you to our Greenfields PTA for all of their hard work this half term. Another huge thank you to our families for supporting our school events and helping us to raise the valuable funds that we do through the PTA events such as Movie Night and the sponsored walk.
halloween disco
On Wednesday 2nd November the Halloween PTA disco returns. Entry is £2 per child and payable on the door. There will be a tuck shop and hot dogs available to buy and plenty of dancing and games.
On this day, children are invited to come to school in Halloween fancy dress or non-school uniform. For Year 1 & Year 2, who are on a trip that day, please send your children in suitable clothing for the trip and send their Halloween outfit into school with them, which they will change into on their return.

Reception, Year 1 & 2: 3.15pm-4.15pm
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6:

All Star Prize

At the end of Autumn 1, Autumn 2, Spring term and Summer term we have our 'All Star Prize', which recognises those children who always follow the school rules, always try their best and are always kind to others. As well as someone winning the 'All Star Prize', this half term we have been lucky enough to source tickets for a women's NUFC match on Sunday 27th November at St James Park where they will play Bradford City. Those children who were picked out of the hat will receive one adult and two child tickets. The tickets will be given to those children after half term.
thank you for your support
Thank you to all of our families and children for being so amazing. Without your support, we couldn't do all of the lovely things that we do. Thank you to your fantastic children who make Greenfields the wonderful and special place it is.

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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