Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be brave, be original and be bold.
Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher
Children in Need 2021
Every year we look forward to raising money for Children in Need... this year has been no different!
All the money raised by Children in Need goes towards changing the lives of children and young people across the UK. This year our children have been thinking carefully about the environment and so we made some of our very own spotty t-shirt out of recycled clothing. We think we look rather fabulous! Don't you?
Thank you to all of our families who were able to donate a silver coin to this very special cause.
GCPS goes to the Panto!
It's finally here! On Tuesday 23rd November, the whole school will be going to the panto....we can't wait!
Here are a few key things to remember:
- Children should wear their school uniform so that they are easily identifiable. If your child would like to
accessorise their school uniform with tinsel in their shoes, hair or even a festive hair band please feel free.
- Your child does not need to bring any money.
- The GFPTA have kindly provided sweets, a drink and crisps for all children, so there is no need for your child to bring any snacks. They can bring a waster bottle if they would like.
- The panto finishes at 5pm and whilst we will be as quick as we can, we do not expect to be back at school until between 6pm and 6.15pm.
- Children will be collected from the following doors: *Reception Out of Hours - door (through the garden area) *Year 1 & 2 – normal door at the front of the school Year 3 & 4 – Nursery yard exit Year 5 & 6 – Main office Reception door
Christmas Dates for the Diary
We are looking forward to the Christmas season already. With this in mind, please find below details of Christmas performances that we would like two adults per child to invite you to:
Monday 13th December 2.15pm - 3.00pm KS2 Christmas Carols with Year 5/6 parents
Tuesday 14th December 9.15am - 10.00am KS2 Christmas Carols with Year 3/4 parents
Wednesday 15th December KS1 Nativity Sleep Shepherd'
9.15am - 9.45am: Year 1 parents
10.00am-10.30am: Year 2 parents
Thursday 16th December Early Years
9.00am - 9.20am: Preschool - Christmas singalong
10.30am - 11.00am: Nursery - Piccolo Christmas 9.30am - 10.00am: Reception 'We're Going on a Baby Hunt'
We are hoping to be able to finish the school term with our traditional service at St Columbas Church this year. We are exploring lots of ways to ensure that it is safe for everyone. We will let you know details of this very special event later in the term.
Ready for the World Awards
This week we say a very big well done to the following children who have earned themselves a Ready for the World award.
The children who gain these awards have demonstrated outstanding learning behaviours.
Archie in Year 4 ~ be original ~ in History
James in Year 6 ~ be amazed ~ in Maths
Be Brave
...be brave... we encourage children to 'confront your fears and take a chance.' We would love to hear how you have confronted your fears recently.
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook
~ confront your fears and take a chance ... mistakes are the nest lessons ~
Reading recommendation
There will be times when you walk into a room and no one there is quite like you. There are many reasons to feel different. Maybe it's how you look or talk, or where you're from; maybe it's what you eat, or something just as random. It's not easy to take those first steps into a place where nobody really knows you yet, but somehow you do it. Jacqueline Woodson's lyrical text and Rafael Lopez's dazzling art reminds us that we all feel like outsiders sometimes and how brave it is that we go forth anyway. And that sometimes, when we reach out and begin to share our stories, others will be happy to meet us halfway.
Anti Bullying week 2021
This week all of the children have been thinking about this year's anti bullying theme #onekindword.
You can help us at school by talking to your children about the impact just one kind word can have, especially when we are using technology or a virtual spaces.
This week we received the exciting news that we had been awarded £500 grant from the Ernest Cook Trust to support us in developing a "nature for nurture" space in school. The Ernest Cook Trust is a charitable organisation which shares many of our values here at Greenfields. They believe that;
"Every person should know the feeling of being utterly captivated and intrigued by nature"
We can't wait to develop this space for our children to use.
World of Work
Do you have, or do you know someone who has an interesting job that would like to share it with our children?
We are looking for local businesses, parents or members of our community that could help bring our next term school value focus;
...be original... to life. If you think you may be able to help, or you know someone who you could put us in touch with, please email; parentsandcarers@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Headteacher's blog can be found here
Follow us!
Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.