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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher

We are Greenfields!

Year 2 showing how bold they are!
Against all the odds we made it to Powburn! It has been the absolute dedication and commitment of the staff at GCPS to ensure that the children have had the best end to the year.

I am delighted to share with you some of the highlights of the three year groups that have been to Northumberland Scouting Centre in Powburn in the Ingram Valley this week.

The children have had the opportunity to challenge, test and truly live and breathe our four school values;

...be amazed
...be brave
...be original
...be bold

The children, as you will see, have had the opportunity to engage in activities that they wouldn't have ordinarily had the chance to do, rebuild relationships with their peers and staff, let off steam, push themselves... I could go on.

Please follow our school Twitter feed or your child's year group Twitter feed to be updated throughout the day from your child's adventures. Alternatively you can follow our school Instagram page.

Next week we will see the children in Y3, Y4 and Y5 have a turn. I can't wait to see how they get on!

Year 6 setting an excellent example
Our Year 1's sleeping soundly on the bus after all the excitement

LPPA Award for Greenfields

We are delighted to announce that this week we have been awarded the prestigious LPPA Award for the work we have been doing with you, our parents and community. LPPA, (Leading Parent Partnership Awards) looks at how schools communicate, listen and involve their parents and carers in the life of the school. The assessor was impressed with the open relationships between our families and school and how we have worked hard this year to foster a positive relationship.

An enormous thank you to our families and community for showing us such support over the past 12 months; how lovely it is that your commitment to the school does not go unnoticed.

Well done Greenfields!

Thank you to our staff

Every year we are overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and generosity that families show us with gifts at the end of term.

These kind gestures are certainly never expected especially due to the financial pressures that many of you may have faced over the last few months. It is unnecessary for anyone to be spending their money on those of us whose jobs have remained secure throughout the crisis.

If you would like to say a special thank you to a member of our staff a card with a personal message is always treasured by staff.

Exciting news!

We know that for many of our working parents, finding quality childcare for your children which is local and where you know your children will be happy and safe, during the school holidays can be challenging.

We might be able to help!

If you would like to register your interest for our new service, please contact the school office.

Thank you

...be bold..

This week and next, is all about valuing the things that really matter. The children are making the memories that will stay with them for a lifetime!

@GreenfieldsCPS -Twitter
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook

~ you are capable of changing a situation... become the explorer of tomorrow ~
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run wild

Reading recommendation

"Run Wild" by David Covell

“Hey, you! Sky’s blue!” a girl shouts as she runs by the window of a boy bent over his digital device. Intrigued, the boy runs out after her, leaving his shoes (and phone) behind, and into a world of sunshine, dewey grass, and warm sand.


This Summer holiday we will be trialling a new Summer Holiday provision with Andy Cartwright.

26th July - 30th July
Reception-Year 6 Discounted for Greenfields' children £50

9th August - 13th August
Reception-Year 6 Discounted for Greenfields' children £50

23rd August - 27th August
Reception-Year 6 Discounted for Greenfields' children £50

In addition, after the half term our Year 3 and 4 children will be accessing an afternoon of football skills on a Friday afternoon. Please make sure you wear your football kit.



Please make sure that if you have changed your contact information recently, including email address that you update school.

It is really very important that we can get in touch with you at short notice.

Thank you

New School Uniform

We have received a large delivery of our lovely new uniforms. Mrs Wilson and Mrs Allan are busy sorting them out so that they can get to the right homes. We will give the uniform to the children to take home with them next week.

As we come to the end of this academic year we are of course thinking about the start of the new one. The first day back of the new term for children is:
Monday 6th September 2021

Out of hours provision before and after school

An email was sent out this week explaining that it is with regret we will not be able to offer any extended services next week. We still have a significant number of staff isolating.

We will however, be offering our 'toast' provision at 8:15am-8:30am for 50p/day.

Thank you
Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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