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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher

Be Bold

...become the explorer of tomorrow...
As part of our commitment to ensuring that children leave our school having truly lived our school values, we have been able to organise a fabulous visit for all the children from Year 1 to Year 6 in July.

During the last two weeks of term, each year group will spend the day at the Scout Adventure Centre in at Powburn which is situated on the edge of the Cheviots. Each year group will have the opportunity to really become the explorers of tomorrow by taking part in activities which will really challenge their resilience, build their team working skills and test their perseverance. For our youngest children, this will be taking part in activities within the centre grounds, whereas our eldest children will have the opportunity to take part in a real adventure.

It is really important to us that all of the children are given the opportunity to attend this visit, so school will be contributing half of the cost for the day for all children. Look out for the letter from Mrs Robertson next week which has all the details.

We know from your feedback to us, you wanted to see your children doing more visits and experiences outside of the school. Whereas this year has been hard for us to organise this, we hope that this visit will be the start of many to come.


Wideopen Junior FC has just been recognised as a Wildcat Centre! Well done Wideopen FC!

On Friday's there will be some specialist girls football sessions on a Friday evening.
If you would like to find out how you can get involved, please see their twitter page @WideopenW for more details.

As the national and local restriction s are lifted, we too will be looking forward to allowing some activities to begin again. In the meantime, can I please take this opportunity to remind all adults that when entering our school site, you should be wearing a face covering unless you are exempt for medical reasons.
Thank you for your support with this.
Well done to all of our parents who joined in with Greg's bootcamps. If you would like to join him you can get in touch with Greg via Facebook:
Greg Williamson Personal Training

£5 - single session
£4 - parents/carers single session
£50 - 4 weeks of unlimited classes and priority booking
£40 - parents/carers unlimited classes and priority booking

Class session times:
Tuesday 18:15 - 45 min
Thursday 18:15 - 45 min
Saturday 09:00 - 45 min

New School uniform

You will have received a letter today explaining where and when you can begin to buy our new school uniform. For those of you who have walked passed the entrance of school, you will have seen a sample of the new jumper and t-shirt. We think it looks really very smart- we hope you agree!

If your child has out grown their green sweatshirt, please do not replace it; please do contact us as we have some that you can use. Alternatively, if you would like to buy a sweatshirt, we are asking parents to replace with a plain NAVY sweatshirt or cardigan.

Currently, Asda is stocking blue sweatshirts- 2 sweatshirts for £5.
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Ready for the World Awards

This week we say a very big well done to the following children who have earned themselves a Ready for the World award.
The children who gain these awards have demonstrated outstanding learning behaviours.

Lexi in Year 4 for ~ be bold~ in English
Jessica in Year 6 for ~ be original ~ in Maths
Lucas in Year 6 for ~ be amazed ~ in English
Lucas in Year 6 for ~ be bold~ in English
Holly in Year 6 for ~ be bold~ in English
Maisie in Reception for ~ be original ~ in Maths
Rosa in Reception for ~ be brave ~ in English
Olivia in Year 1 for ~ be amazed ~ in History
Sunny in Year 1 for ~ be bold~ in History
Zack in Year 1 for ~ be amazed ~ in History
Congratulations! We are very proud of you!

...be bold...

Have you ever taken the 'plunge?' Have you decided to do something not knowing how it would end up?
Share your stories with us!

@GreenfieldsCPS -Twitter
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook

~ you are capable of changing a situation... become the explorer of tomorrow ~
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Reading recommendation

"Mountains of the Mind" by Robert Macfarlane

This is a recommendation for our older children and maybe their parents and carers too. It tells the story of those people who have gone before us and their fascination with being the explorers of their day. If you are in need of a bit of inspiration to be bold, this is the book for you!


PE uniform

Please don't forget that for PE, our school uniform is a white unbranded t-shirt and blue/black shorts or tracksuit trousers which are unbranded.

Football strips are not permitted.

Thank you for your support.
After the very challenging 12 months we all have faced, I know some families may be looking ahead and thinking about holidays for the future- please see the school calendar with term dates for the academic year 2021/22. Please note the training days when school will be closed to children. We are respectfully requesting families not to book holidays during term time- they will not be authorised. I am sure that you would agree with me; it is really very important that your children are in school for the whole of the year.


If any of our families have any old android phones that they have finished with, which may be lurking in a drawer, we would love you to donate them to us for our Year 4 computing learning all about data loggers. Any phones donated will be wiped of data so that they are safe for the children to use.
Thank you!


Drop off and collection times - please make sure that you are keeping to your bubble stagger time for collection and drop offs.

Times are as follows:
Year 6, 5, 4 and Reception 8:45am - 3:05pm

Year 3, 2, 1
8:55am - 3:15pm

The 50p breakfast club begins at 8:15am- we will take children up until 8:30am, when the doors will be closed.

Late collection of children - please make sure that you are on time to collect our children at the end of the day. We have no facility to put your child into our out of hours provision at the moment due to current restrictions around bubble groups.

Contacting school - Please don't forget, there are lots of ways you can get in contact with school. Email is often the best and quickest way to resolve your query. We're here to help!

Lunchboxes - please can I remind our families that fizzy drinks, sweets and nuts are not permitted in packed lunches.
Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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