Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.
Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher
International Women's Day 2021
We had a fabulous start to our first week all back together on Monday celebrating International Women's Day. Each year group chose an inspirational woman around the theme of the day which was "choose to challenge". Year 6 were lucky enough to meet Charlotte Fleming (U19 England and Leicester City Women's Club) as part of the day. Look at the excellent work the children completed!
Year 6 split their afternoon into two parts, each with a very different activity to celebrate International Women's Day. First, we had a live Zoom call with Charlotte Fleming, a professional footballer who plays for Leicester City Football Club. During this call, the children were able to ask Charlotte questions about her career, get advice for others who would want to follow a similar career path and ask how she has overcome challenges to get where she wanted to be. We then looked back at a group of women who made an impact historically - The Suffragettes. In particular, we learned a little bit about the life of Emmeline Pankhurst and how she was part of protests to get rights for women. We looked at how people's opinions of gender equality have changed over time and wrote motivational speeches that the Suffragettes might have used.
We learned about Rosa Parks. We found out that one ordinary day she went to get the bus and was told to move and give up her seat. She refused and was arrested. Following this was an extraordinary change - a change to the way people are treated.
For International Women’s Day Reception talked about special women in their family. They were able to describe each person to the rest of the class and say why they are so special to them.
In Year 1 we have been learning about the Queen. We watched her Coronation and listened to the National anthem. We enjoyed making crowns. Look how colourful they are!
We researched more about her life and how she created x-rays. We discussed what hospitals would be like if they didn't have x-rays and how it is similar to now with the vaccines. We looked at the charity and how she is still affecting communities now.
We looked at the life of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, who was the first woman to work as a qualified doctor in the UK. However, she had to teach herself French in order to go to France to gain her qualification, as no one in this country would allow her to do it here. She achieved so many firsts through sheer determination and refused to listen to all the voices telling her ‘No’
For International Women’s Day year 4 looked at Nellie Bly and her amazing achievements. We decided to make a board game, just like the one she had made about her journey around the world. Write a letter to our future selves, create a fact file and writers blocks to inspire us.
KS1 and Reception Football
This afternoon, Andy Cartwright held the first of our sessions for our Reception and Year 1 classes.Have you ever seen so many fabulous book characters playing football!
Next week it will be Year 2's turn!
World book Day (at Greenfields!)
We wanted to make sure that everyone could celebrate World Book Day together so we decided to postpone the national event from last week to today.
We have been using the day to write a whole school story based upon the book "Maybe" by Kobi Yamada.
Dates for your diary
Friday 19th March is Red Nose Day - children are invited to wear a red nose accessory on this day.
Monday 22nd March we will be celebrating World Down
Syndrome Day. The theme of this very special day is "you decide" It is important that as a school we recognise that we are all unique individuals all with similarities and differences. To mark this day we are asking our children to wear mismatched socks. The reason we wear mismatched socks is because chromosomes look like socks, and people who have Down’s syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21.
Exciting News!
You will of course all remember that in September, with the help of the children, we changed our school logo and values statements.
I know that many parents have already started to think about next school year. Over the course of the next few weeks we will be bringing you some information about our new uniform for September. We hope that the changes we are bringing will make uniform much more affordable and readily available to all of our families.
In the meantime, if your child has out grown their green sweatshirt, please do not replace it; please do contact us as we have some that you can use. Alternatively, if you would like to buy a sweatshirt, we are asking parents to replace with a plain NAVY sweatshirt or cardigan.
Currently, Asda is stocking blue sweatshirts- 2 sweatshirts for £5.
...be original...
“ ... don't do different things, do things differently..."
This week our family challenge focus is about doing things differently The last 12 months has forced us all to do things differently, some changes for the better. Are there any changes to your life you'll be keeping?
You can share your stories with us via our social media platforms and via google classroom or seesaw.
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook
~ never stop asking questions...seek out the answers ~
Reading recommendation
We have recommended this book to you before, but it is the book the children having been basing their WBD learning on today. It has a fabulous message for children... a story about the endless potential in all of us.
Lateral Flow Tests for families
You can get twice-weekly rapid lateral flow COVID-19 test if you are symptom free, if you are a member of a household, childcare bubble or support bubble of:
- A member of staff who work in a primary school or secondary school or
- A pupil who attends primary or secondary school.
Twice weekly testing is available through the following:
Please note this does not apply to:
Secondary school pupils, and primary and secondary school staff, who should take twice-weekly tests using home test kits provided by their school.
Primary school pupils, as they should NOT be subject to regular asymptomatic testing and only to need to come forward for tests if they have symptoms.
How to collect a home test kit from a collection point in North Tyneside
- Test kits can be collected from the local test sites located at The Parks Leisure Centre, Terrace Room, Howdon Road, North Shields or Coronation Street Care Park, Wallsend between the hours of 1pm and 7pm you do not need an appointment. Other collection test sites are available and can be found here: COVID Test Finder (test-and-trace.nhs.uk)
- You can collect two packs of 7 rapid lateral flow self-test kits per individual and up to a maximum of 4 packs where justifiable for example for very large or extended families.
- Each individual must register the test and record the results at home, using the NHS website or through the 119 call centre for positive, negative and void results.
- Any individual who undertakes a test at home and reports a positive lateral flow self-test MUST undertake a further test to confirm the result by ordering a PCR test online or by booking to attend for a PCR test at a local test site here: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
Training Day for staff
Friday March 26th is a staff training day. School will be closed to all children on this day.
Parents’ Progress Meetings will take place on the week beginning 22nd March. Later this term we will send you some information about how we will contact you for these meetings.
Site safety
Thank you for your support with the new one way system. I know that I have had some feedback from parents and carers as to how you feel that it is working- thank you for this.
We will be keeping these systems under review. To ensure the safety for all of us we may need to take further decisions about vehicle access at drop off and pick up for example.
We appreciate that we have some families who are blue badge holders and that the change to the entrance and exit points may cause difficulties. Parents and carers who are blue badge holders will be permitted to park in the old staff car park. Mr Watson will be positioned at the gates from 8.45am – 9.10am and will open the gates for those who have a blue badge. The same will happen at the end of the day; Mr Watson will be at the gates from 3.00pm-3.25pm. You will be required to present your blue badge, so if it is not visible you will be asked to show it.
Thank you for your on going support.
Headteacher's blog can be found here
Follow us!
Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.