Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.
Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher
Thank you Andrew Cartwright Football
Children in KS2 have received an extra special treat today thanks to Andrew Cartwright Football.
Each class took part in a fantastic coaching session which allowed them to practise their football skills, try something new and most importantly understand that to be successful at football you have to be able to work together as a team, not be afraid to make a mistake and have a positive mindset.
That all sounds very familiar! It's no wonder the children did so well. Children at Greenfields are challenged to be brave and to not be afraid to make a mistake. Well done KS2 you were exemplary representatives of our school values today.
@GCPSYear3, @GCPSYear4, @GCPSYear5 ,@GCPSYear6
Andy has said that he will be back to work with our KS1 and EYFS children soon!
If you would like more information on football coaching sessions for your child out of school time, please contact:
Christmas is coming to Greenfields!
Inevitably, Christmas will be very different in school this year, however, we are going to try really hard to make Christmas special for everyone. Below, are the dates and activities leading up to the last day of term so that you are fully included in our celebrations this year:
Each class will be taking turn to sing in the outdoors for our community on the week beginning 14th December 2020. Each class will be timetabled to sing in the grounds of our local care homes and next to Co-op. We know how important it is to keep a sense of togetherness when times are tough- we know the residents of the care homes are really looking forward to it. A timetable of dates for each class will follow. Children are allowed to wear Christmas accessories on this day.
Nativity Trail around Wideopen with St Columba's Church
The children are going to be busy in their classes making artwork to represent stations of the nativity for a trail around Wideopen during the festive season. You will be able to complete the trail with your family over the holidays.
School will be having Christmas Dinner on Friday 11th December; this is the same day as Christmas jumper day. Christmas Dinner will be served in classrooms in a special Christmas themed boxes complete with Christmas crackers! The dinner will consist of a chicken roll, pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, vegetables and a Christmas biscuit. If your child is entitled for a free school meal then you do not need to do anything.
Children are allowed to wear Christmas jumper on this day.
On the last day of term we will be having a whole school, socially distanced, carol sing-along outside on the school yard, complete with live music thanks to Mr Coverdale. Wow! What a talented staff! We will be taking a video of this to share with you to help you get into the Christmas spirit!
Christmas Boxes from GFPTA
You will have received a letter from the GFPTA explaining to you about their exciting offer this Christmas. The boxes can be made up with a combination of any items from the list. Items start from as little as 20p. Boxes will be able to be collected by parents on week beginning 14th December 2020- further information to follow. Please make sure that if you would like a Christmas Box you have completed the google form by Friday 4th December 2020.
As a very special thank you for all your support during this busy term we have organised a VERY special treat for all the children on Wednesday 9th December 2020. We want to keep it a secret for now, but trust us it's very exciting......sshhhhhh!
We return to school on Monday 4th January 2021
Muddy Bairns
We have had lots of interest in our new Muddy Bairns provision so please don't leave it too late to get in touch to secure additional sessions.
Muddy Bairns will be offering both funded and paid for nursery and childcare places for children who are 2, 3 and 4 years old through the introduction of our unique outdoor nursery provision held here at Greenfields.
Muddy Bairns
...where the mud will wash off, but the memories will last a lifetime...
Have you signed up yet?
If you are doing your shopping online this year can you help us by shopping through The Giving Machine?
We have signed our school up to the charity The Giving Machine which allows you to raise free donations every time you shop online with over 2,000 retailers (including Amazon) by going through The Giving Machine website... there's no catch, it really is that simple.
Set up a Giver account on The Giving Machine and then just visit The Giving Machine website, desktop reminder or mobile app and click on the retailer link you want to shop at. Purchases generate a donation which will show on your account summary once processed by our Machine.
Click on this link to take you directly to our charity page:
Ready for the World
Awards This week we say a very big well done to the following children who have earned themselves a Ready for the World award. The children who gain these awards have demonstrated outstanding learning behaviours.
Kai in Year 6 for ~ being bold ~ in Maths Joseph in Year 6 for ~ being bold ~ in Maths Joseph in Reception for ~ being bold ~ in Reading Cole in Reception for ~ being bold ~ in Reading
Congratulations! We are very proud of you!
Year 5
In 5EE we wrote our own poems inspired by Jack’s poem about getting his new dog in ‘Love that Dog’. I was so impressed by how bravely the children described their own experiences; their poems were full of honesty, love and humour.
Year 5
In year 5 we have been investigating different methods to separate mixtures of materials. We were set a challenge set by a supermarket manager to devise methods of separating materials that had been mixed up in a delivery. We carried out investigations together and after some modifying and refining of our ideas we came up with four methods. Sieving, filtering, evaporation and magnetic attraction. We then discussed sea pollution. In a bowl we had a single use a disposable mask and cup, a rusty nail, seaweed, pebbles, sand and salt water Our aim was to use our learning about separating methods to remove all these materials. We did it! Almost! We are now waiting for the water to evaporate so we can separate the salt. We will now be brave and design a machine that incorporates all these methods. STEAM!
Year 6
This week in science the children have been classifying living things. We then looked at those that have characteristics that are unusual for that group e.g. Is the naked mole rat a mammal as it has no fur?!
...be brave...
“...be ok with not knowing for sure what might come next, but know that whatever it is... you will be ok ”
This week we would like you to think about ways in which you have shown resilience; this could be a special skill that you have hard to work to improve at, or finding solutions to something unexpected that happened to you and how you bounced back.
Why not share your stories with us on our social media pages.
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook
~ confront your fears and take a chance… mistakes are the best lessons ~
Reading recommendation
Mrs Wilson in Year 1 is recommending "The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires.
"This is a fabulous story about a little girl who has an idea to create something magnificent- however, she soon finds out that to create something that is magnificent you have to make a mistake."
REMINDER Communication
Ways to contact us at school:
Telephone for absence: 0191 643 2801 - Please press 1 for the absence line, when prompted
If your child or a member of their household develops symptoms of COVID19 or you have received your test result, please use the email:
Office email for copies of letters or emails that you may have missed or general information about your child’s class:
parentsandcarers@ greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
This email is monitored by a member of the Senior Management Team. Please use this if you have a question or query which is specific to your child. We can then direct your query to the right person within school.
I’m always keen to hear any suggestions or comments about school, so that we can work in the best interests for all the children at Greenfields.
Please do not contact us via the gateway app as this is not monitored and we might not get to your query as quickly as you would like.
Information for Parents
Please can you help us keep your children safe whilst on our school site by observing the following guidelines:
~ dogs should stay outside the main gate and not be brought onto our site
~ vaping, smoking or any form of e-cigarette is not permitted on any part of our site
~ whilst you are waiting to collect your children, please make sure if you have toddlers that they are with you at all times
Please can you park respectfully whilst on our site. Parents and carers should not park on the hatched areas or on the double yellow lines. If you are asked to move please speak to our staff respectfully they are there to maintain the safety of all of our children.
We are now looking into limiting the times we allow vehicular access to our site.
Thank you to our local community
Thank you to Dan from XL Media for your support.
We can't wait to work with you!
XL MediaDigital Video + Photography
Children marked as absent
We have had some parents get in touch with us to ask why their child appears as an 'N' on the school gateway app.
An 'N' indicates that the absent has not been reviewed by our school staff, we know that you have rung into school and we have recorded your reason for absence. You do not need to contact school again.
If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, please contact Mrs Cockman who will be happy to help.
Social Distance on the yard
Please make sure that you are maintaining social distance on the yard please. We are working really hard in school to keep the children in their separate bubbles. Thank you for your on going support.
Sponsored Read
Thank you to everyone who participated in the sponsored read. We will update you next week wit the total amount raised and what this means for our school.
Headteacher's blog can be found here
Follow us!
Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.