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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher

We know who the real superheroes are!

Take a look at our fabulous home and school children and staff today on our fancy dress treat day! We hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did!
super Rec
Pre nurs sH

Friendship Fence

Thank you to everyone who has written a message for their friends or our community to hang on our friendship fence. From Monday, we will be attaching the messages to the fence at the back of school near the Waggonway so that you can come along and read them if you go out for a walk.

If you are still planning what to write, the box will still be on the drive next week, so don't worry, there's still time to get your message on the fence.



From next week afternoon live sessions in the afternoon will be starting at 1:15pm. This will begin Tuesday.

Thank you

Spaces in school

I know the news that school will be closed for longer than we originally thought feels difficult for us all.

The government advice for children remains the same; those children who can be safely cared for at home should continue to be kept at home. This also applies to families where there are key workers.

We have sent out a survey for you to complete which asks you to let us know if there is anything we could do to support you further with the remote learning. Please do let us know, as we ant to make this as successful for you as we can.

Thank you for your support with this.

Asymptomatic Testing of School Staff

We have sent information to all families this week to explain the process and implications for us all with the asymptomatic testing programme.

Inevitably this will mean that we may be isolating groups of children from school more frequently than we have done so thus far. Please make sure that you have read this information carefully as we will be beginning this process on Sunday.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring we can keep each other safe.


Learning at Greenfields this week

Well done to all the grown ups and children this week for all of your hard work. See below for a showcase of how well you are all doing! Great job!
Year 2 home English
Year 2 english
Narrative writing in Year 6
Y6 english

...be original...

Greenfields icon1
This term the school value we will be focusing on is...

...be original..

~ never stop asking questions...seek out the answers ~

Be original is shown by the hands on our logo; they represent the importance of fostering our children to be questioning and evaluative of all they see and hear. This term you will see that children are encouraged to think originally about what they have learnt, develop an insatiable hunger for knowledge and question everything.


@GreenfieldsCPS -Twitter
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook
Greenfields icon1
Questions 1

...be original...

“ ...Mistakes might not give you answers, but they give you questions for a greater answer..."

Can you think of a time that you tried, you didn't succeed, but it helped to find a solution the next time you attempted something?

You can share your stories with us via our social media platforms and via google classroom or seesaw.

@GreenfieldsCPS -Twitter
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook

~ never stop asking questions...seek out the answers ~
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book 3

Reading recommendation

"The Unbudgeable Curmudgeon" by Matthew Burgess
This story is all about helping to explain to children why they feel the way they do sometimes. If your children are struggling with their emotions, then this might provide a good starting point for you to read together.

Reminders for families


We have set up year group email addresses if you need to speak directly with your child's teacher.

Please can parents and carers avoid using teacher's personal school email addresses. These emails are accessible to staff usually on their personal devices which means that they pick them up over the weekend and times when they are not at work. I'm sure you all support me in wanting our staff to have sufficient space away from work to recharge their batteries so that they are at their best at the start of each day and each week.

Thank you in advance for your support with this.

REMINDER Communication

Ways to contact us at school:

We have set up new email addresses for individual year groups so that if you have a query for your child's teacher you can email the staff in that year group directly.

Nursery/Pre-school - EYFS2021@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Reception - Reception@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Year 1 - Year1@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Year 2 - Year2@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Year 3 - Year3@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Year 4 - Year4@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Year 5 - Year5@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
Year 6 - Year6@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk

Telephone:0191 643 2801

Telephone for absence: 0191 643 2801 - Please press 1 for the absence line, when prompted

If your child or a member of their household develops symptoms of COVID19 or you have received your test result, please use the email:

Office email for copies of letters or emails that you may have missed or general information about your child’s class:

parentsandcarers@ greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
This email is monitored by a member of the Senior Management Team. Please use this if you have a question or query which is specific to your child. We can then direct your query to the right person within school.

I’m always keen to hear any suggestions or comments about school, so that we can work in the best interests for all the children at Greenfields.

Please do not contact us via the gateway app as this is not monitored and we might not get to your query as quickly as you would like.
Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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