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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher


brave school
The children have returned to school looking refreshed and ready to learn. This half term we are making our focus our school value which is teaching the children to ...be brave...

...be brave ~ confront your fears and take a chance… mistakes are the best lessons ~

This half term we'll be looking at developing the skills needed to take a chance, to know that the best lessons often begin with a mistake.

Why not join us by sharing our #bebrave on social media.

Greenfields Community

We are inviting parents and carers and our local community to join us in commerating Remembrance Day this year as a community together. All of the children will be writing a short message of hope and bravery on a poppy which we will be tieing to the trees that line our driveway.

Over the course of next week, leading up to Wednesday, please do take this opportunity to write a poppy for us to hang on our trees of hope and bravery. A table will be out daily with poppies for you to do this.

If you are not coming to school to drop your children off, you can email your message to:
With "poppy message" in the email title.

On Wednesday 11th we will be holding a ceremony for the children in school which we will video and make available to you.

"Together we can change young lives"

Children in Need day is next Friday 13th November. The theme this year is "together we can change young lives".
We are asking you to join together with us to dress in your wackiest Children in Need outfits, onesies or accessories for a donation of 50p.

World Science Day 2020

Edit this to insert text.

Who will be our Greenfields All Stars Winner this half term?

At the end of this half term we will be drawing another All Stars raffle. Mrs Allan is already thinking about what she is going to put into the prize box. To have a chance of winning this fabulous ...be brave... prize, all the children need to do is keep their Greenfields stars. Good luck!

Ready for the World


This week we say a very big well done to the following children who have earned themselves a Ready for the World award. The children who gain these awards have demonstrated outstanding learning behaviours.

Amelia in Year 6 for ~ being brave ~ in Maths

Congratulations! We are very proud of you!
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...be brave...

“Remember that bravey is not the lack of fear but the ability to move forward in spite of fear”
This week our family challenge is to share with each other those situations where you might have been frightened to do something but you were brave and succeeded!
We look forward to hearing all about them! Why not share your stories with us on our social media pages.
@GreenfieldsCPS -Twitter
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook

~ confront your fears and take a chance… mistakes are the best lessons ~
facebook twitter website 
brave boys

Reading recommendation

Mr Coverdale has chosen our reading recommendation for this week. Stories for boys who dare to be different by Ben Brooks.
"This book will change your life. It shows you that if you are brave enough to be different and have the courage to be yourself you can amazing things!"

REMINDER Communication

Ways to contact us at school:

Telephone:0191 643 2801

Telephone for absence: 0191 643 2801 - Please press 1 for the absence line, when prompted

If your child or a member of their household develops symptoms of COVID19 or you have received your test result, please use the email:

Office email for copies of letters or emails that you may have missed or general information about your child’s class:

parentsandcarers@ greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
This email is monitored by a member of the Senior Management Team. Please use this if you have a question or query which is specific to your child. We can then direct your query to the right person within school.

I’m always keen to hear any suggestions or comments about school, so that we can work in the best interests for all the children at Greenfields.

Please do not contact us via the gateway app as this is not monitored and we might not get to your query as quickly as you would like.

Information for Parents


Please can you park respectfully whilst on our site. Parents and carers should not park on the hatched areas or on the double yellow lines. If you are asked to move please speak to our staff respectfully they are there to maintain the safety of all of our children.
Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
facebook twitter website 
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