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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be brave, be original and be bold.

Mrs Gemma Robertson - Headteacher

Headteacher's Message

We are now 3 weeks in to the spring term and time is flying. The children settled back into school life well after Christmas and have been working hard as always. We continue to look for extra-curricular activities to enhance your children's school experience and this half term already we've had children at a basketball competition, our religious education visits are underway, our Forest School sessions continue and we have a range of after school clubs for the children to chose from. Coming up for the rest of this half term we have a visit from the Fire Service for reception, messy Church for Early Years, Year 5's residential to Dukeshouse Wood, a dance workshop for Year 5 & 6 and Road Safety workshops for reception to Year 6.

We have also welcomed children from Fordley Primary School to Greenfields and I couldn't be prouder of your children, who have truly shown our school values in making the children from Fordley feel welcome.

It's a busy half term but as always your children take everything in their stride and embrace every opportunity.

Mrs Robertson

Religious Education Visits

This half term every class from pre-school to Year 6 will spend some time at a different place of worship. So far, our Year 2 and Year 5 children have visited Newcastle Central Mosque where they spent time with Br. Khadim who taught the children all about Islam and Muslim beliefs. The children learnt a great deal from this experience that they have taken back to the classroom in their RE lessons.

Year 4 Forest School

Year 4 had their final Forest School session this week, where they lit and cooked around the fire, drank hot chocolate and enjoyed the great outdoors.

Active North Tyneside Programmes

Active North Tyneside have various free sessions currently happening in North Tyneside for children of all ages. See below for more information.
Parent 3
Parent 2


- 6th February to 9th February: Year 5 Dukeshouse Wood residential
-Celebration of Learning Events:
*12th February: 9-9.30am Year 6
*13th February: 9-9.30am Year 5, 2.30pm-3pm Year 1
*14th February: 9-9.30am Year 3, 2.30pm-3pm Year 2
*15th February Stay & Play: 9am reception,
2.45pm Pre school & nursery
*16th February: 2.15pm Year 4 class assembly

Spring 1 Religious Visits
16th January: Year 2 visit Central Mosque
23rd January: Year 5 visit Central Mosque
30th January: Year 6 visit Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha
5th February: Year 4 visit the Buddhist Centre
6th February: Year 3 visit Newcastle Reform Synagogue
Tuesday 9th January Y5 Beamish Outreach coming to school

IMPORTANT FUTURE EVENTS - please do not book holidays or organise appointments at this time:

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May Y6 SATS Week
Weeks Beginning 3rd & 10th June Y4 multiplication check
Week Beginning 10th June Y1 Phonics Screener

HOLIDAY DATES 2023 - 2024
School Closes (last day of term) School Re-opens:
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY: Friday 22nd December 2023 to Monday 8th January 2024
FEBRUARY HALF TERM: Friday 16th February to 2024 Monday 26th February 2024
EASTER HOLIDAY: Wednesday 27th March 2024 to Monday 15th April 2024
MAY HALF TERM: Friday 24th May 2024 to Monday 3rd June 2024
SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Thursday 18th July 2024

TRAINING DAYS - School is closed to all pupils on these
Thursday 28th March 2024 & Friday 19th July 2024
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Our school value of 'Be Original' teachers the children to never stop asking questions and always seek out the answers.

#beboriginal #readyfortheworld
Why is the ocean blue? What is rain? What happened to the dinosaurs?
It might be time for bed, but one child is too full of questions about the world to go to sleep just yet. A patient father offers up increasingly creative responses to his child's night-time wonderings. Any child who has ever asked Why? - and any parent who has attempted an explanation - will recognise themselves in this storybook for dreamers who are looking for answers beyond "Just because"

Ready For The World Awards

Our Ready for the World Awards celebrate when children, in Year 1 - Year 6, have demonstrated outstanding characteristics which will enable them to become successful learners of the future. Over the past two weeks those children who have been awarded a Ready for the World Award are:

Year 1: Ben, Elena, Adrian, Charlie, Max, Daisy, Arthur, Layla, Peter, Rhys, Tommy
Year 2: Max, Georgie, Charlie, Rose, Ester, Nawaz
Year 3: Sofia, Harry, Jordi
Year 4: Ella, Maya, Jesse
Year 5: Tegan, Sophia, Evie, Maia, Skyla, Freddie, Hayden, Jace, Nathan, Paige


When we returned to school after Christmas, we were surprised to have snow! And as you an see the children loved it. Our Early Years children took the opportunity to head into Forest School with sledges and make the most of it ...
Nursery 3
Nursery 2

Early Years SEND Coffee Morning

The focus of our next SEND coffee morning is SEND within Early Years where we hope to offer some support for families with children in our Muddy Bairns unit. As always, our main aim is that parents leave the coffee morning
feeling better informed about SEND provision at Greenfields, as well as North Tyneside. As staff
we also want to come away with ideas or suggestions from parents that we may not have considered.
The next coffee morning will take place on Monday 12th February at 10:00am, no need to bring
anything, we have plenty of cake, tea and coffee.
We really look forward to welcoming some of you back and we hope to also see lots of new faces.

Northumbria University Pupil Premium Project

A research team from Northumbria University, are interested in learning more about what parents know about Pupil Premium and its enrollment process. Their aim with this
research is to understand what improvements are needed to the process of enrolling in Pupil
Premium/ free school meals. To gather this information, they would like talk to you in a group. Group discussions will take
place between 3:30-4:30pm on 31st January at school, and childcare will be available for parents who are taking part.
To thank you for your time, those who take part will receive a £20 'love to shop' voucher. This will need to be spent during the month of February.
If you are interested in learning more or participating, please register your interest at the school office by Monday 29th January or email parentsandcarers@greenfieldsprimary.org.uk

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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