Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be brave, be original and be bold.
Mrs Gemma Robertson - Acting Headteacher
Year 5 and 6 Netball
We couldn't be prouder of our Year 5 and 6 netball team who played brilliantly at the North Tyneside school netball tournament at Blue Flames Sporting Club. They represented our school with impeccable manners, behaviour and team spirit.
Bike Week!
The children had a great time on their bikes this week. At Greenfields our core values of being brave, amazed, bold and original shone through. They challenged themselves, showed excellent resilience and support each other. We couldn't be prouder of them,
Shoe Boxes
On Thursday 3rd March 2022 it is World Book Day. As part of this day, we are going to ask the children to make their very own scene from their favourite book in a show box. If you have any shoe boxes at home or get any over the next few weeks could you please donate them to us, as well as any materials your child may need to create their scene. Here are some examples:
Be Original
...be original... we encourage children to
be themselves. Continue to celebrate what makes you, you. This week think about the things you would like to achieve next half term.
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Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook
~Never stop asking questions… seek out the answers~
Reading recommendation
The Rainbow Fish is a classic story that embodies the simple, yet universal message: sharing makes us happy. ... His choice not to share soon makes Rainbow Fish a lonely fish. He discovers, in the end, that in sharing his scales, not only does he bring a smile to others, but he feels happy as well
Muddy Bairns needs your help!
With the weather turning as we head into Spring, we are looking for your help. We would really appreciate any donations of the following items:
-Garden climbing equipment
-Balance bikes for our 2 year old and 3 year old children
- Any children's outdoor gardening equipment
Thank you in advance for all of your support.
Valentine Disco
It's the PTA's valentine day disco on Tuesday 15th February. Nursery, reception and KS1 children's disco is 3.30pm-4.15pm and KS2 is 4.30pm-5.30pm. If your child attends OOH, they can get changed into their disco clothes in school and return to OOH once the disco has finished.
School breaks up for half term on Thursday 17th February. School will be closed to children on Friday 18th February for staff training.
Children return to school after half term on Monday 28th February.
Follow us!
Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.