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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be original, be brave and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher
You will know from our Behaviour Policy which we shared with you two weeks ago, that the children in Year 6 have been made 'value ambassadors'to further their responsibility in acting as role models for younger children. All of the children in Year 6 were given the opportunity to put themselves forwards as Lead Value Ambassadors.

After a challenging, written application process where the children had to explain which value they feel they could best represent and why, 9 children were chosen to become our first ever;

Greenfields Lead Value Ambassadors

We're very proud to have children at our school which have such a good understanding of our values and how they apply in our daily life. Below are some of comments from their application forms:

"...you can change the situation to become what you want and that no dream is too big..."

"...our values are important because they make children believe in themselves..."

"...you shouldn't be scared to make a mistake..."

"...I'm nervous about being an ambassador. I'm going to confront my fears..."

"...you need to keep asking questions or you'll never get the answer..."

"...we can learn from our school values..."

"..it's important to teach children to stay in control of themselves..."

"...learning is what gives you a career..."

"..it's important to never give up on yourself..."

I'm sure you will join me in congratulating them on their achievement in obtaining this prestigious position within our school. Well done!
Earth globe, realistic 3 D rendering. Atlantic ocean view.

Ready for the World


Today I have sent out a very special letter to Harry in Year 6 for our very first 'Ready for the World' Award. These very, very special rewards are given to children who
have demonstrated outstanding learning characteristics which will enable them to become successful learners of the future. Our Ready for the World Awards show when children are developing a sense of responsibility and a confidence in their own ability to succeed; essential qualities that will equip them for lifelong learning.


If your child’s date of birth is between 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017 you will need to complete an application for your child to start Reception Class. You need to make an application through your ‘home’ Local Authority. This is the
authority where you pay your council tax.

All the information you need is available on the North Tyneside website www.northtyneside.gov.uk

If you are unable to apply online you can complete a paper application. These are available from the school office or by emailing school.admissions@northtyneside.gov.uk


Year 5 Biog
Year 5 and 6 have been learning to write biographies about amazing people. Year 5 have been reading and writing about Frida Kahlo; a Mexican artist famous for her self portraits using bold and vibrant colours.


Year 6 biog 1
Year 6 have been reading about Michelle Obama and the reasons behind why she has become a modern day icon. Look at how mature their writing is. Amazing Year 6!
Year 6 biog

Remote Curriculum

Over the past 6 months, we have been overwhelmed by the level of support shown by parents and carers and your willingness to embrace technology in supporting learning from home. With this in mind, we are moving forward with some changes to how shared learning can be supported at home.

We have taken the feedback and comments from parents and carers around the home learning that was set during the Summer Term and used these to design a programme which allows children to still access the full breadth and expectation of their year groups and whilst remaining manageable for parents and carers to support, as we know many of you are still working from home.

Remote learning will be mixture of paper based activities and online learning tasks. We fully understand that families are in different positions as to the access you have to IT equipment and we would like to help where we can.

To further utilise the technology we have, we are introducing Google Classroom to our children and families in Year 2 upwards. This change will also support us in delivering a high quality remote curriculum in the event of school closure or wider ‘lockdown’ restrictions. Children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 will continue to use seesaw. We will be going through this carefully with all Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 children so they are familiar with this learning platform but have provided step by step instructions for you in the guide sent out this week.

If you have any questions about the remote curriculum at Greenfields please don't hesitate to contact school.
Greenfields icon2

...be amazed...

This week can you show us how you and your family have been curious about something? You could do some research about something that interests you, go somewhere to find something out, test out a good idea you had or try something new. Whatever it is, if you never ask the question, you’ll never know! Share it with us in the following ways:
@GreenfieldsCPS -Twitter
GreenfieldsCps - Instagram
Greenfields Community Primary - Facebook

~stay curious and follow your dreams...never lose your sense of wonder~
facebook twitter website 
Amy book

Reading recommendation

Mrs Banks from 6AB has done our reading recommendation for this week.
" This book includes all the places I dream of going. It's a non-fiction text which has inspired me to want to travel, see the world and be amazed by what is out there. Hopefully I'll get to visit them all!"

REMINDER Communication

Ways to contact us at school:

Telephone:0191 643 2801

Telephone for absence: 0191 643 2801 - Please press 1 for the absence line, when prompted

If your child or a member of their household develops symptoms of COVID19 or you have received your test result, please use the email:

Office email for copies of letters or emails that you may have missed or general information about your child’s class:

parentsandcarers@ greenfieldsprimary.org.uk
This email is monitored by a member of the Senior Management Team. Please use this if you have a question or query which is specific to your child. We can then direct your query to the right person within school.

I’m always keen to hear any suggestions or comments about school, so that we can work in the best interests for all the children at Greenfields.

Please do not contact us via the gateway app as this is not monitored and we might not get to your query as quickly as you would like.

Thank you!

Great Park Bird feeder Company

birdfeeder 3
A very big thank you to our friends at The Great Park Bird feeder Company for donating to our Reception garden a beautiful handmade bird feeder.

The children have been amazed to see the variety of different birds visiting it to feed.

Our Reception children have been busy making feeders out of seeds and fat to hang from it.

Thank you!
Birdfeeder 1
Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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