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Supporting the children of Wideopen to be amazed, be brave, be original and be bold.

Mrs Ele Dobson- Headteacher

Value Ambassadors

This week our Value Ambassadors welcomed the YCC Climate Pilgrims to Wideopen on their journey from Cornwall to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. This cements our commitment to our children being responsible citizens of the future and understanding the importance of acting now for climate change. This marks the first outing of our newly appointed Value Ambassadors; they did us so proud!

For more pictures of our Value Ambassadors on this very important assignment please go to our school Twitter page:

'STEM Fest' in Space

Our children got the chance to be involved in 'STEM Fest' this week where they joined in on live webinars to find out about careers and STEM subjects in school. We have a commitment to enriching our curriculum with real life experiences. This is Year 3 discussing life on Mars! Well done Year 3!

poetry day
Thursday 7th October was National Poetry Day. This year the theme of the day was 'choice.'

Children from all classes studied poem which looked at the choices we make everyday; little acts and choices we make that actually have a big impact on our lives, the lives of others and the way we choose to live.

Please see the poem your children looked at:
Rec - Crazy Hair by Neil GaimanY1 - Friends by Joshua Siegalhttps://www.joshuaseigal.co.uk/friends
Y2 - The Voice by Shel Silversteinhttps://internetpoem.com/shel-silverstein/the-voice-poem/
Y3 - Undone by Padma Venkatramanhttps://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/155530/undone
Y4 - What is success by Ralph Waldo Emersonhttps://medium.com/@dennisnafte/what-is-success-dae5fe4bc410
Y5 - Two kinds of people by Ella Wheeler Wilcox http://www.ellawheelerwilcox.org/poems/ptwokind.htmY6 - The summer day by Mary Oliver

Parent Pay - school lunches

Payment for School Lunches
We have been contacted by a number of families unsure about the new North Tyneside payment system for school lunches. Joinos has been replaced by parentpay.

We would urge all of our parents to register with parentpay by emailing: parentpay@northtyneside.gov.uk (even if you are entitled to free school meals / universal infant free school meals) as this is not only an online payment facility but an important form of communication with the catering team at the Local Authority.

We are also aware in the roll out of this new system, some parents have received letters requesting payment.

If you have any questions or queries relating to this please email parentpay@northtyneside.gov.uk where a member of the Local Authority catering team will be able to help you.

Thank you
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Dates To Remember
Sponsored walk
~11.10.21 - Muddy Bairns (Nursery) & Year 3
~12.10.21 - Muddy Bairns (pre-school) & Year 1 & Year 4
~13.10.21 – Reception, Year 2 & Year 6
~14.10.21– Year 5
Please make sure that your children have sensible boots or wellies. There was a lot of splashing in puddles last year! A change of footwear and socks is also a good idea. Please make sure these are in a bag which is labelled with your child’s name so that they are easily identifiable. Your child should also have a waterproof coat, hat/gloves as the weather dictates.


Be Amazed

In our half term value,
...be amazed... we encourage children to 'never lose their sense of wonder.' It has never been more important for us to take care of the world we live in. As we move into the season of Autumn, we would love to see your pictures of our beautiful world.

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~ stay curious and follow your dreams... never lose your sense of wonder ~
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Reading recommendation

'Great Women Who Saved The Planet,' by Kate Pankhurst.
This informative book is all about women who have been making decisions that have helped protect our natural world.
Tackle the plastic problem with Isatou Ceesay by recycling waste into beautiful objects. Marvel at the intelligence of chimpanzees with Jane Goodall. Learn why it's important to shop fair trade and cruelty-free with Anita Roddick and The Body Shop. Resist devastating deforestation and plant seeds of change with Wangari Maathai.

We're in an age when young people like Greta Thunberg are calling for those in power to 'wake up' and take action. But everyone has a part to play. Written with hope and encouragement, this book shows that all actions, big and small, can be powerful in the fight against climate breakdown.



Many of you will have already met our very friendly new Admin Assistant, Mrs McGarry, who is working with Mrs Wilson in the office.

For the next 4 weeks, the school office will be closed for training on a Friday between 10am-12:30pm

If you need to contact the school during this time you can either, email:

or leave a message on the answerphone and Mrs Wilson and Mrs McGarry will get back to you after 12:30pm

In the case of you needing to contact school urgently please call:


Headteacher's blog can be found here

Follow us!

Each class has its own twitter account where you will find regular updates about your child's classwork.
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