…our boys love coming to school…

“Thank you. Our boys love coming to school…”

…This was part of an email that came into school this week. We’ve had several, really lovely emails this week from parents and members of our wider community thanking us, which made me feel pleased, proud, grateful all at the same time. However, the overwhelming feeling I had when reading each one was humble. It brought into sharp focus the influence we, here at school, can, and do have over the children at our school and our community.

At the beginning of term during our staff inset day I talked to the staff about influence and the enormous responsibility they have working with your children and how precious it was. I think that they’ve shown that they understand how precious their influence is and are using it in all the right ways.

It’s been an exciting week here at Greenfields; I thought it would be hard to top how we ended last term, however, I think we may have achieved it this week. It’s been a week of solemn, thoughtful reflection and yet of laughter and wacky outfits too- the children have risen to both events with equal vigor and enthusiasm.

I hope that you too have felt that positive influence this week… I think it’s been hard to miss.

Have a good weekend everyone.