Welcome to class 2AW!

Mrs Wilson is our class teacher. If you have any questions or you would like to talk to her about anything, she is on the KS1 playground before and after school every day.

Parents and carers in 2AW are also connected to school through Seesaw. This means that they are regularly updated on the work we are doing in class.

In Year 2, we also try hard to develop good learning behaviours. You can see our Year 2 Ready for the World statements here:

Ready for the world in Year 2
…be amazed…be brave…be original…be bold
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Curious about new things and will ask questions to find out more.Leaves an activity and goes back to it later if it has not been completed.Thinks of different ideas and possibilities when solving a problem.Explains why they prefer one of two ideas that are proposed.

Please visit our Twitter page @GCPSyear2 to follow our regular updates of the children’s learning and important information.

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